
Monday, November 7, 2011

At least they still understand that shotgun beats rock

Unbelievably, the SF Chronicle was finally willing to label the Occupidiots as "rioters." In this article:
OAKLAND -- Oakland developer Phil Tagami is used to working behind the scenes to broker some of the biggest deals in town. Late Wednesday, he was using different persuasive skills - holding a loaded shotgun to scare away rioters trying to get into a downtown building. "We had people who attempted to break into our building," the landmark Rotunda Building on Frank Ogawa Plaza outside City Hall, Tagami said Thursday. He grabbed a shotgun that he usually keeps at home, went down to the ground floor and "discouraged them," he said. "I was standing there and they saw me there, and I lifted it - I didn't point it - I just held it in my hands," Tagami said. "And I just racked it, and they ran."
Bwhahahahahaha. Stupid little Occupidiots finally found a business owner that, unlike George Zimmer, wouldn't roll over and basically give 'em the keys to the building.
The city estimated it would cost up to $25,000 to replace broken windows at city buildings.
Waitaminute! That's $25,000 to fix up the 1%er's buildings! How dare the city allow them to rebuild their idols of capitalism!
City Administrator Deanna Santana apologized to business owners for the "chaotic events" that enveloped the city. Mayor Jean Quan called the rioters "a small and isolated group." "It shouldn't mar the overall impact of the demonstration and the fact that people in the 99 percent movement demonstrated peacefully and, for the most part, were productive and very peaceful," Quan said.
Oh, there it is. Mayor McQuack has to step in and defend the Occupidiots. Of course. Productive? How so? Are they fertilizing the lawns of your city bank buildings, too, McQuack?
Tagami disagreed, calling the Occupy Oakland encampment "basically concealment and cover for anarchists who are doing this to our city."
Bingo. Anarchists and Occupidiots.

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