
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

OWS Protester endangers a 4 year old child

Well, it's been a while but with TIME magazine naming "protesters" the "Person of the Year," I thought it appropriate to show exactly what kind of people won TIME's accolades.

One YouTube commenter summed it up best: "Her ovaries should be excised."

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Quickie Update

So real life has been crazy busy (that whole having a job and working to get out of the 99% doldrums is tough...) but here's a quick thought...

When the police tell you to get your lazy ass up and MOVE, you should FUCKING MOVE. And if you don't, you're lucky to have only gotten some pepper spray in your face rather than have it clubbed in like you deserve. How about instead of occupying a sidewalk, you occupy a shower stall, you nasty commie lazy no-good fucks? Then, after that, you can occupy a temp agency. Good luck grasping a simple understanding of how the world really works. Here's a tip for starters: no one owes you a damn thing.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


There just aren't words to describe how hilarious this is. GIVE ME A TWINKIE!

If anyone has any other videos of people with common sense rising up against these occupidiots, please do share.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Frank Miller gets it...

While I was never into "graphic novels" (a.k.a. COMICS), I loved '300'. But what I love even more is Frank Miller's dead-on analysis of the Occupidiots:
Everybody’s been too damn polite about this nonsense:
And it's about time that the floodgates opened.
The “Occupy” movement, whether displaying itself on Wall Street or in the streets of Oakland (which has, with unspeakable cowardice, embraced it) is anything but an exercise of our blessed First Amendment. “Occupy” is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness. These clowns can do nothing but harm America.
But that's the point! They WANT to harm America, Frank. They despise, loathe, detest our way of life here in America. Perhaps born here but not of the stock of their ancestors. They're a bunch of entitled brats who think they can up-end this country and create a utopian anarchist society all their own. And they're foolish enough to believe that 1) they can accomplish it and 2) that it will actually continue to succeed under their vision. Clowns, indeed!
“Occupy” is nothing short of a clumsy, poorly-expressed attempt at anarchy, to the extent that the “movement” – HAH! Some “movement”, except if the word “bowel” is attached - is anything more than an ugly fashion statement by a bunch of iPhone, iPad wielding spoiled brats who should stop getting in the way of working people and find jobs for themselves.
There's the catch. They want to undo capitalism and a decent society but they're dependent on all the things that glorious capitalism has made possible. Perhaps it's true that my generation has contributed to the ruination of their generation. But that's no excuse for continuing to be a bunch of worthless douchenuggets!
This is no popular uprising. This is garbage. And goodness knows they’re spewing their garbage – both politically and physically – every which way they can find. Wake up, pond scum. America is at war against a ruthless enemy.
To quote the infamous Pogo, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

Continue on to the full story...
HT: BigHollywood

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Just another example of the violence endemic to the #Occupy movement

The only thing that needs to be mentioned here is that there have been exactly ZERO violent outbreaks at Tea Party rallies. The amount of violence at #Occupy protests/homeless gatherings grows and grows...

HT: » Citizen Journalist Violently Assaulted At #OccupySanDiego

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

More anti-Semitism and an honest claim to homelessness

This one's been making the rounds a lot today but I think it bears even more exposure. I believe this was originally part of the report here. Lots of great material at the Urban Infidel blog as well and well worth a gander. As she puts it so succinctly, "Day 53 and the crazy has set in."

One man who works 62 hours a week vs. another "man" who "don't need a job"... because everything is free. Right?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Even Hitler sees the writing on the wall...

You know you've gone off the deep end when Hitler is appalled by your flagrant anti-Semitism.

I don't know which made me chuckle more: "Lighten up Frances, we can always destroy Capitalism next year." or "Get Soros on the phone..." Bwhahaha!

No free lunch? Hope you like blood and urine!

So a couple of cart vendors near the San Diego Occupidiots initially decided to offer some free food to the fools. No good deed goes unpunished... especially when entitlement-minded liberals are involved.
CBS Los Angeles reported Monday that Occupy San Diego protesters shut down two street cart vendors with urine and blood. The Occupy protest first hit San Diego Oct 7, when it set up a tent city in the Civic Center Plaza where the coffee and hot dog carts were located. Coffee cart owner Linda Jenson and hot dog cart operators Letty and Pete Soto said they initially provided free food and drink to demonstrators, but when they stopped, the protesters became violent.
How dare those capitalist pigs stop giving handouts for the next 2 years that the Occupidiots plan on camping out there!
The Sotos' shut down their hot dog cart business at the Civic Center Plaza on October 28 because they say they were constantly being harassed and threatened by protesters. "We got followed on Park Avenue," said Pete Soto. "They kept spitting at the truck, cursing us out and we woke up that Saturday and the truck was full of blood."
Weasel blood no doubt.
“Both carts have had items stolen, have had their covers vandalized with markings and graffiti, as well as one of the carts had urine and blood splattered on it,” San Diego City Councilman Carl DeMaio said.
But but but... the peaceful, loving, tolerant protesters would NEVER commit such crimes against the working class types like these cart vendors!
DeMaio, a candidate for Mayor, added that both carts will require a complete cleaning and a possible replacement of the cart covers. “I believe the City should have acted sooner to restore law and order at the Civic Center,” DeMaio said in a statement, adding that the protesters have created an unsanitary and threatening environment at the Plaza.
The protesters are a bunch of nasty, wretched criminals and sewer rats. The fact that cities across this country continue to PAY to allow these morons to eat up resources, sour the reputations of every city they "occupy," and drain the resources away from the truly productive members of society is just a testament to the stupidity that runs through every bureaucracy; local, state, or federal.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A waste of college tuition

More unbelievable than his gall is the fact that a college actually granted him a degree.

Must have been in Women's Studies because the guy interviewing him just proved him to be a little bitch.

At least they still understand that shotgun beats rock

Unbelievably, the SF Chronicle was finally willing to label the Occupidiots as "rioters." In this article:
OAKLAND -- Oakland developer Phil Tagami is used to working behind the scenes to broker some of the biggest deals in town. Late Wednesday, he was using different persuasive skills - holding a loaded shotgun to scare away rioters trying to get into a downtown building. "We had people who attempted to break into our building," the landmark Rotunda Building on Frank Ogawa Plaza outside City Hall, Tagami said Thursday. He grabbed a shotgun that he usually keeps at home, went down to the ground floor and "discouraged them," he said. "I was standing there and they saw me there, and I lifted it - I didn't point it - I just held it in my hands," Tagami said. "And I just racked it, and they ran."
Bwhahahahahaha. Stupid little Occupidiots finally found a business owner that, unlike George Zimmer, wouldn't roll over and basically give 'em the keys to the building.
The city estimated it would cost up to $25,000 to replace broken windows at city buildings.
Waitaminute! That's $25,000 to fix up the 1%er's buildings! How dare the city allow them to rebuild their idols of capitalism!
City Administrator Deanna Santana apologized to business owners for the "chaotic events" that enveloped the city. Mayor Jean Quan called the rioters "a small and isolated group." "It shouldn't mar the overall impact of the demonstration and the fact that people in the 99 percent movement demonstrated peacefully and, for the most part, were productive and very peaceful," Quan said.
Oh, there it is. Mayor McQuack has to step in and defend the Occupidiots. Of course. Productive? How so? Are they fertilizing the lawns of your city bank buildings, too, McQuack?
Tagami disagreed, calling the Occupy Oakland encampment "basically concealment and cover for anarchists who are doing this to our city."
Bingo. Anarchists and Occupidiots.

Pee and Poop Party

In response to the Tea Party, classless liberals now bring you the Pee (and Poop) Party!

Someone never learned the lesson I taught my daughter early on. Poop goes in the potty!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Anti-semitism at OWS

And they start to show their true colors early on. Funny how this never makes it into the MSM.

Occupy DC morons beat up the elderly

Here's a lovely look into what the youth of America are up to in our Nation's capitol. Notice right before the 3 minute mark that they start pushing old ladies around with not a care in the world. But how dare someone try to get home to their family by driving down the street they're illegally blocking...

Guess what? You play in the street and you run the risk of getting run over. Meanwhile, ignore the fact that your fellow thugs beat up a couple old ladies just a few yards away. The lady at the 3:20 mark was later identified as a 78 year old. And keep using that 5th grade playground language and I'm sure you'll garner the respect of everyone around you.

Welcome to the Idiot Protesters Blog

This blog is dedicated to exposing idiotic protesters in the Occupy Wall Street movement and beyond.  Got a video/photo montage of an idiotic protester(s) you'd like to share?  Post it in the comments and I'll add it to a new post.  Finally, if you're an idiotic sympathizing liberal yourself, you're free to make a fool of yourself by attempting to defend the morons you'll see exposed here... but be warned that I will not tolerate your own kind of hate for too long.  This is my blog and I'll either delete you at my own pleasure or edit your comments to embarrass you even more than you yourself have done by simply speaking to begin with.  In short, I do not suffer fools.  God bless America.