
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

No free lunch? Hope you like blood and urine!

So a couple of cart vendors near the San Diego Occupidiots initially decided to offer some free food to the fools. No good deed goes unpunished... especially when entitlement-minded liberals are involved.
CBS Los Angeles reported Monday that Occupy San Diego protesters shut down two street cart vendors with urine and blood. The Occupy protest first hit San Diego Oct 7, when it set up a tent city in the Civic Center Plaza where the coffee and hot dog carts were located. Coffee cart owner Linda Jenson and hot dog cart operators Letty and Pete Soto said they initially provided free food and drink to demonstrators, but when they stopped, the protesters became violent.
How dare those capitalist pigs stop giving handouts for the next 2 years that the Occupidiots plan on camping out there!
The Sotos' shut down their hot dog cart business at the Civic Center Plaza on October 28 because they say they were constantly being harassed and threatened by protesters. "We got followed on Park Avenue," said Pete Soto. "They kept spitting at the truck, cursing us out and we woke up that Saturday and the truck was full of blood."
Weasel blood no doubt.
“Both carts have had items stolen, have had their covers vandalized with markings and graffiti, as well as one of the carts had urine and blood splattered on it,” San Diego City Councilman Carl DeMaio said.
But but but... the peaceful, loving, tolerant protesters would NEVER commit such crimes against the working class types like these cart vendors!
DeMaio, a candidate for Mayor, added that both carts will require a complete cleaning and a possible replacement of the cart covers. “I believe the City should have acted sooner to restore law and order at the Civic Center,” DeMaio said in a statement, adding that the protesters have created an unsanitary and threatening environment at the Plaza.
The protesters are a bunch of nasty, wretched criminals and sewer rats. The fact that cities across this country continue to PAY to allow these morons to eat up resources, sour the reputations of every city they "occupy," and drain the resources away from the truly productive members of society is just a testament to the stupidity that runs through every bureaucracy; local, state, or federal.

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